Bionics and Transhumanism

Beyond the 21st century, we will inevitably see the rise of #bionics, #robotics and #AI in ways that will surely enhance humans .. to help amputees and others who depend on limb replacements to live a fulfilling life.

This raises several questions. Perhaps an important one is – what makes us human?

This specific video highlights brings to life the potential for #transhumanism (2) – the idea that human beings should be permitted to use technology to modify and enhance human cognition and bodily function, expanding abilities and capacities beyond current biological constraints.

Ray Kurzweil’s book, “The Age of Spiritual Machines” (3) divided all of evolution into successive epochs.

We will be living in the fifth epoch, when human intelligence begins to merge with technology. Soon we would reach the “Singularity”, the point at which we would be transformed into what Kurzweil called “Spiritual Machines”.

We would transfer or “resurrect” our minds onto supercomputers, allowing us to live forever. Our bodies would become incorruptible, immune to disease and decay, and we would acquire knowledge by uploading it to our brains.

When I wrote my book “AI & Religion” (1), I learned that most transhumanists are atheists who reject monotheistic faith and instead promote science over religion – the two are not mutually exclusive (in my opinion).

Our world is NOT binary .. rather humanity is diverse in all aspects and requires deeper understanding of what it means to be human beyond the 21st century.

Thoughts welcome 🙏🏼

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SocietalAI #humanexperience #bionics #aiforgood #roboticsengineering

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